Quilt Challenge
PPQG Quilt Challenge Basics
A quilt challenge offers guild members the opportunity to challenge themselves by making a quilt that meets specific guidelines. A committee decides the rules of the challenge. Completed quilts will be displayed at the October guild meeting and attendees will be invited to vote for their favorites. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Challenge quilts are exhibited when possible, but a subset of quilts may be displayed at local quilt shops and have, on occasion, traveled to local and national quilt shows. We encourage everyone to participate regardless of your quilting expertise! It’s amazing to see the diversity in the creations when the final results are displayed.
2025 Challenge: Eyes To The Skies
What do you see when you look up to the skies? Trees? Birds? Fluffy white clouds or dark brooding storm clouds? UFOs or little green men? We want you to use your amazing talents to put your visions into a quilt for the 2025 Quilt Challenge.
Quilts must be made completely by one person. Only one quilt per person may be entered.
The quilt may be done in any style (traditional, modern, art, etc.). The top may be made by any construction method: piecing, hand or machine appliques, fusing, etc.
The quilt must have three layers (top, batting and backing). The quilt must be quilted through all three layers, must be quilted by you only, and the outer edge must be finished.
The quilt must not exceed more than 96” around all edges. For example, if your quilt is 24”x24”, the total inches is 96”. There is no minimum size.
The quilt must have an appropriate-sized hanging sleeve. If you are unsure of how to correctly make a hanging sleeve, please contact a member of the Challenge Committee.
A permanently attached label must be present on the back of the quilt. The label must include the name of the Challenge, the name of the quilt, your name, the finished size, and the date created.
Ribbons and prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, based on voting at the July meeting.
A signed release/artist's statement must accompany each entry. Use this link to print the form.
The entry deadline is the June 2025 PPQG meeting. If you cannot attend this meeting in person, please make an appointment to turn your quilt in prior to the deadline.
Each entry must be delivered in a pillowcase or fabric bag bearing your name, quilt title. email and phone number.
We will be displaying the completed quilts at the Craft Fair in Manitou Springs over the Labor Day weekend. Quilts will be returned to you at the September 2025 PPQG meeting. If you do not wish to have your quilt put on display, please let us know.
Contact Teri Christakos (303) 885-8918 or Jodi Wycoff (775) 762-3101.
2024 Challenge: Celebrating You!
2023 Challenge: FACE IT!
The ribbon winners were as follows (from left to right): 1. People Choice and First Time, Matrix Portrait by Terri Christakos; 2. General Entry, Woman of the Andes by Judy Druelinger; 3. Professional Entry, 'Lil Punkin Eater by Sue Turnquist.